News Coverage

February 19, 2013

NECN: Elizabeth Warren's new role

(NECN: Alison King, Lowell, Mass.) - Massachusetts' senior U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has been in ofice for more than a month, and she's been relatively quiet on Capitol Hill.However, Senator Warren has been very visible back in the Bay State.She told a packed room of UMass Lowell students what she's been up to during her first month and a half in the U.S. Senate, with priorities ranging from gun control to disaster funding for fishermen to dealing with the sequestration."All I can … Continue Reading

February 19, 2013

Boston Globe: Mass. officials, scientists warn about NIH cuts

With little more than a week left before across-the-board federal budget cuts could go into effect, Massachusetts politicians joined scientists and the state's top health care administrators Monday to offer a grim prognosis of the impact National Institutes of Health spending cuts would have on the Bay State, and Boston in particular. NIH grants fund hundreds of millions in research annually at the Commonwealth's hospitals and colleges, and so-called federal sequester cuts could trim … Continue Reading

February 18, 2013

Patriot Ledger: Teenage rescuer from Quincy honored by U.S. Senate, city

QUINCY - Ten days ago, right after the blizzard, teenager Dylan Hughes rescued a 103-year-old neighbor from her cold, dark Quincy home. Now U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is praising the Thayer Academy junior as an example of "the best we can be." Warren visited Quincy City Hall on Monday afternoon to honor Hughes with a senatorial commendation and an American flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol Monday morning. "Dylan represents the best in all of us," Warren said. "The difference is that he … Continue Reading

February 17, 2013

WWLP: Senator Warren tours Westover Air Reserve Base

CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) - If congress doesn't find a way to drastically reduce the national debt by March 1st, $500 billion dollars in automatic spending cuts will go into effect; it's called sequestration. Those cuts would affect military bases around the country, including Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee. On Sunday Senator Elizabeth Warren took a private tour of the Base. The Defense Department has proposed cutting 17 full and part-time positions and reduce its fleet of C-5 cargo planes … Continue Reading

February 17, 2013

Springfield Republican: Sen. Elizabeth Warren talks about Wall Street accountability, military cuts and more during swing through Western Massachusetts

SPRINGFIELD - Sen. Elizabeth Warren may only be a freshman in Washington, but she looked like a seasoned boxer as she jabbed and crossed during her inaugural Senate Banking Committee appearance last week. Warren was the pugilist and Wall Street regulators were her punching bags as the Massachusetts Democrat struck at government officials responsible for policing the nation's banking industry. That scrappy side was on display again Sunday during the senator's swing through Western … Continue Reading

February 04, 2013

WGBH: Elizabeth Warren, DA Dan Conley Tout Violence Against Women Act in Boston

VAWA is the Violence Against Women Act, which ensures that women have access to anti-abuse programs. Some of its advocates say it has reduced annual incidence of domestic violence by as much as 50 percent. Now Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is among those who want to add protection for college students, immigrants -- legal and otherwise -- Native Americans and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. "And I'm in here as a very tangible reminder of the work that is done to … Continue Reading

January 05, 2013

WBZ: Sen. Warren Holds Mock Swearing In Saturday In Roxbury

BOSTON (CBS) — Elizabeth Warren was sworn in again on Saturday in a mock ceremony held for those who couldn’t make it to Washington, DC. The state’s newest U.S. senator held the ceremony at Roxbury Community College in Boston. Warren was officially sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday. But the state’s first female senator wanted to extend her gratitude to the constituents who could not make it to Washington, DC for Thursday’s ceremony. Several … Continue Reading

January 03, 2013

Boston Globe: Warren and Kennedy sworn in as 113th Congress convenes

WASHINGTON - Elizabeth Warren arrived at the US Capitol on Thursday morning carrying an L.L. Bean backpack in the manner of a student in one of her former classes at Harvard Law School. Inside was a treasured, tattered King James Bible that she had used since third grade and had chosen for her swearing-in as the US Senator from Massachusetts. "I know people come with big fancy family Bibles," Warren said in an interview shortly before her Noon induction into the Senate. "Mine's a little … Continue Reading

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