January 05, 2015

Wicked Local: Somerville - Feds Sign over $1 billion for Green Line Extension through Somerville

The federal government is ready to bring the Green Line Extension through Somerville.

JAN 5, 2015

SOMERVILLE-At a press conference at Somerville High School Jan. 5, federal, state and city officials signed the funding grant agreement that will bring nearly $1 billion in federal dollars to the GLX project.

The $2.3 billion project will receive $996 million from the Federal Transit Administration's Capital Investment Grant Program, referred to as the New Starts program. If the project is able to secure the full remaining $1.3 billion from the state, the Green Line will extend from Lechmere station to four stops in Somerville, and one stop in Medford. Federal funding had previously been announced in a Dec. 1 letter from the Federal Transportation Administration.

Read the full article here.