News Coverage

November 29, 2017

Forbes: Elizabeth Warren Wants Marijuana Answers From Trump Health Nominee

The Trump administration should carefully consider how legalizing marijuana can help reduce opioid addiction and overdose deaths, Sen. Elizabeth Warren says. "Medical marijuana has the potential to mitigate the effects of the opioid crisis," she wrote in a letter to Alex Azar, President Trump's nominee to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Warren cited a recent American Journal of Public Health study that found legalization of cannabis in Colorado was associated with … Continue Reading

November 28, 2017

Yahoo Finance: Elizabeth Warren: Jerome Powell has the same attitude as the Fed going into the 2008 crash

On Tuesday, following the remarks of Trump's Federal Reserve Chair nominee Jerome Powell, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) told Yahoo Finance that Powell's testimony reminded her of the run up to the financial crisis. "Jerome Powell talked about how he wanted to roll back regulations," Warren told Yahoo Finance on the Final Round. But, Warren said, when he was asked whether there was a single area where the Fed could stand to exert tighter restrictions, he said no. "It was exactly that attitude at … Continue Reading

November 28, 2017

Springfield Republican: Elizabeth Warren rallies against Budget Director Mick Mulvaney's CFPB appointment, questions move's ethics

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, spoke out Tuesday against Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney's recent appointment to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau -- a position which she argued he does not legally hold. Warren, who helped start the CFPB, continued to push back against and raise concerns about President Donald Trump's decision to appoint Mulvaney the new head of the financial watchdog agency despite outgoing Director Richard Cordray naming … Continue Reading

November 28, 2017

Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren joins protesters outside consumer agency

WASHINGTON - Seven years after Elizabeth Warren fought a political battle to create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Massachusetts senator was on the sidewalk outside the agency Tuesday fighting for its future. Warren headlined a demonstration of about 40 people protesting President Trump's pick of budget director Mick Mulvaney, an avowed opponent of the CFPB, as its new leader. ... At Monday's demonstration, Warren told reporters that the overlap of this leadership fight with the … Continue Reading

November 27, 2017

Washington Post: Trump wants to destroy Elizabeth Warren’s brainchild. In a new interview, Warren hits back.

President Trump's perpetual scamming of his working- and middle-class voters takes a new turn Monday, amid a war that has erupted over the fate of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The battle is over who will run the agency, now that director Richard Cordray has resigned: Cordray's choice of his deputy, who wants to carry out the bureau's mission of protecting consumers from financial fraud, or Trump's handpicked choice, who thinks the agency should disappear. ... In her first … Continue Reading

November 20, 2017

Reuters: U.S. senators seek details on 'dubious' oversight shift by Japanese bank

A decision by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc (MUFG) to shift its U.S. banks from state regulators to a federal bank regulator is garnering scrutiny from a pair of U.S. Democratic senators. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Chris Van Hollen sent a letter to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency on Monday, pressing for details on the regulator's decision to allow the bank to come under its purview, after it had sparred with New York's banking regulator. ... The pair said they were … Continue Reading

November 17, 2017

Springfield Republican: Bill inspired by Boston Marathon bombing survivors would give terror victims access to military treatment

A provision allowing civilian terror victims to access treatment in military facilities is close to becoming law, thanks to two survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing. U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, introduced the Jessica Kensky and Patrick Downes Act after working with Kensky and Downes, who both lost legs in the marathon bombing. Warren said they spoke about the importance of being able to get treatment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. "Walter Reed is the … Continue Reading

November 17, 2017

Springfield Republican: Sen. Elizabeth Warren slams GOP tax plan

BOSTON -- U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., on Friday slammed the Republican-proposed tax overhaul as "a body blow to small businesses and working families." ... Speaking at a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce event, and talking to reporters beforehand, Warren said the bill would hurt workers to help big corporations. "No one in this country would say that it is good policy to take money away from working families so that it can be given to giant corporations," Warren said. "And yet that … Continue Reading

November 16, 2017

The Hill: Warren on Cordray's departure: 'I see this as a test for President Trump'

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said on Thursday that the resignation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) chief presents a test for President Trump, saying he can stand with Wall Street or American families. "I see this as a test for President Trump. He ran saying over and over and over 'I'm here for the little guy, I'm here for the forgotten man, and I'm the one person who can stand up to Wall Street,' " Warren, who conceived and established the CFPB, said on MSNBC's … Continue Reading

November 15, 2017 Here’s what Elizabeth Warren said about the expected resignation of CFPB Director Richard Cordray

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is raising concerns over President Donald Trump's expected appointment to her brainchild agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, following the news that the director of the federal watchdog plans to resign. According to multiple reports, CFPB Director Richard Cordray sent an email to the agency's staff on Wednesday announcing that he will resign at the end of the month. In a statement, Warren championed the CFPB's accomplishments under Cordray's leadership. His … Continue Reading

November 15, 2017

Springfield Republican: Democrats, health care groups speak out against effort to repeal Obamacare mandate in GOP tax bill

Members of Massachusetts' congressional delegation and health care groups pushed back this week against efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act's individual coverage mandate through tax overhaul legislation, as well as Medicare and other spending cuts that could be triggered by the GOP bill. U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, slammed Senate Republicans for adding the ACA mandate repeal language to their version of the tax plan -- a measure which she argued would "rip health … Continue Reading

November 14, 2017

MarketWatch: Elizabeth Warren: Republican tax plan will hurt small businesses and their customers

Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren told an audience on Tuesday that the Republican tax plan will force small business owners to subsidize big corporations and will harm the U.S. economy by reducing tax revenue for infrastructure that supports economic growth. Warren spoke at an event sponsored by the Center for American Progress Action Fund. She asked a panel of small business owner members of the Main Street Alliance Action Fund, a national network of small business coalitions, … Continue Reading

November 11, 2017

Boston Globe: Veterans honored at Puerto Rican memorial in Boston’s South End

City, state, and federal officials gathered Saturday to honor a community that has shouldered a heavy portion of the nation's military burden, as many of its members continue living without electricity, access to medical care, or the ability to earn an income. About 100 people stood shivering in near-freezing temperatures at the unveiling of a plaque in Boston's South End honoring Purple Heart recipients at Puerto Rican Veterans Monument Square, where many speakers acknowledged the challenges … Continue Reading

November 09, 2017

Springfield Republican: Empty chair at US Capitol seeks to honor POW, MIA troops, serve as reminder to lawmakers

Congressional lawmakers this week lauded the addition of a new chair to the U.S. Capitol, which will honor American prisoners of war and the thousands of service members missing in action. U.S. House and Senate leaders, Massachusetts legislators and veterans advocates unveiled and dedicated the commemorative chair, which will sit in Emancipation Hall at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, during a Wednesday ceremony. U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, and other lawmakers contended that … Continue Reading

November 09, 2017

Healthcare IT News: Senators give CMS deadline to decide its stance on unique device identifiers

Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, are calling on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma to decide by Dec. 1 whether the agency will include unique device identifiers on Medicare claim forms. The senators are also asking whether the agency plans to follow the recommendations by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Inspector General and MedPAC to make sure UDIs are included. Further, they want CMS to … Continue Reading

November 08, 2017

Associated Press: Sen. Warren Helps Dedicate Chair to POWs, Missing in Action

BOSTON (AP) - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren participated in a dedication ceremony Wednesday for a commemorative chair in Washington designed to honor American prisoners of war and the tens of thousands of service members missing in action. The 1850s, hand-carved oak chair dedicated to the approximately 91,662 POWs and those missing in action was unveiled during a ceremony at Emancipation Hall on the U.S. Capitol grounds. The memorial was authorized by a bill co-sponsored by Warren, a … Continue Reading

November 04, 2017

Sun Chronicle: Warren asks EPA to dip into Norton water problems

NORTON - Federal authorities are being asked to look into the town's notorious discolored water. U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, has written to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for help. "I urge you to interact with the town of Norton, Massachusetts and the Commonwealth to ensure that the water does indeed meet health standards," Warren wrote. "The residents of Norton deserve nothing short of absolute confidence in the quality of their drinking water." Warren also … Continue Reading

November 03, 2017

Springfield Republican Editorial: Warren is right that speech must be heard

Senator Elizabeth Warren is calling on liberals to be liberal. And she's right. The Massachusetts legislator decried attempts to silence controversial speakers in campus settings. As abhorrent as some people might find views expressed by some speakers, forcing a speech to be canceled or interfering with an appearance only turns the speakers into national symbols and raises the profile of their causes. "I think it's dangerous to suppress speech," Warren said. "Instead of shutting up individuals … Continue Reading

November 02, 2017

International Business Times: Elizabeth Warren Warns: Navient Deal A Danger To Student Loan Borrowers

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren warned Wednesday that the nation's largest student loan servicer has positioned itself to stealthily strip consumer protections from unwitting borrowers across the country. In an interview with International Business Times, she also said the loan servicer, Navient, should not be permitted to be a government contractor handling student loans on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education. The Massachusetts Democrat was sounding an alarm about Navient's recent … Continue Reading

October 30, 2017

The Intercept: Elizabeth Warren Says Campus Free Speech Means No Censorship or Violence

THE U.S. SENATE waded into the debate about free speech on college campuses Thursday, as a panel of experts offered their views on what has emerged as an increasingly controversial issue on college campuses. ... Toward the end of the committee hearing, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, one of the signatories on that letter, said colleges should not prohibit speakers no matter how extreme their views are. She also condemned extremists on the right and the left who use violence against people they disagree … Continue Reading

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