News Coverage

April 19, 2016

Cambridge Patch: Elizabeth Warren Joins Verizon Workers on Cambridge Picket Line

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren joined striking Verizon workers on the picket line in Cambridge Monday, one of several prominent Democrats to align themselves with the labor movement. Warren joined the striking workers less than a week after nearly 40,000 Verizon workers walked off their jobs and onto picket lines April 13. It is considered the largest work stoppage of any U.S. industry in years, as organizers say they're pushing for better pay and more job security. Read the full article … Continue Reading

April 12, 2016

The Lawrence Eagle Tribune: Warren pledges to push for Lawrence grants

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren met with city leaders Monday to discuss a range of issues, from affordable housing to transportation improvements, praising efforts made in these areas and pledging to advocate for the city at the federal level to help that work continue. "The federal government wants to be a good partner to the people in Lawrence, and it's my job to try to make that happen, whenever and wherever I can," Warren, D-Mass., said. Read the full article … Continue Reading

March 30, 2016

The Springfield Republican: US Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls on Department of Education to adopt changes to overhaul student loan servicing

With significant flaws found in the Department of Education's review of student loan servicers' compliance with federal law protecting military borrowers, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren urged the agency Wednesday to adopt various reform principles. The Massachusetts Democrat specifically called on ED to implement five fundamentals to overhaul student loan servicing that: put students and families first, punish bad actors, change the financial incentives for servicers, release more data and conduct … Continue Reading

March 25, 2016

NECN: Sen. Warren Pushes to Increase Medical Research Funding

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is pushing legislation designed to increase funding for medical research.The Massachusetts Democrat says the bill would funnel an additional $5 billion in research funding each year into the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration.Warren says the money would be targeted at a range of medical challenges, from understanding the underlying basis for diseases, developing new treatments for cancer, and searching for therapies for diseases like … Continue Reading

March 24, 2016

The Patriot Ledger: Sen. Warren says Asian health care facility in Quincy is a 'jewel'

Kun Liu, 33, sat in the pediatric waiting room at the South Cove Community Health Center when a well-dressed woman with an entourage knelt down and playfully engaged his baby boy, Stanson, who was in a stroller. Liu, a Quincy resident, was later informed that the woman he had just met was U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, who on Thursday visited the South Cove medical facilities in North Quincy."I didn't know she was a senator before," Liu, a native of China, said. Though he … Continue Reading

March 24, 2016

The Republican: US Sen. Elizabeth Warren lauds efforts to ensure SSI beneficiaries in same-sex marriages aren't penalized

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., praised the Social Security Administration this week for adopting a streamlined waiver process to address errors in the agency's treatment of Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries in same-sex marriages. Warren lauded the new SSA waiver process, which identifies SSI beneficiaries in same-sex marriages who were affected and presumes both a waiver has been requested for each beneficiary and individuals are without fault. "The SSA's action goes a long way … Continue Reading

March 14, 2016

Commonwealth Magazine: Warren hails civil rights legacy of education law

While it's easy to get caught up in the details and debates over mandated testing regimens and teacher evaluation policies, the federal education law that stirred such backlash for more than a decade until it was replaced last year is one of the legislative pillars of the civil rights gains of the 1960s. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, whose first job after college was as a special needs instructor for young children and who went on to teach aspiring lawyers at Harvard Law School, was in full history … Continue Reading

January 21, 2016

Washington Post: Senate Democrats launch campaign to reduce student debt

With the staggering cost of college a key issue on the presidential campaign trail, Senate Democrats are seizing the opportunity to promote a legislative package designed to address affordability. On Thursday, lawmakers unveiled the Reducing Educational Debt (RED) Act, comprised of three bills that party members have championed over the last year or two. The package includes legislation introduced by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in 2014 to let borrowers refinance their federal and private … Continue Reading

January 16, 2016

GateHouse Media: Warren says NRA will be defeated

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Wednesday that the National Rifle Association will not prevail in blocking gun safety reforms from passing Congress. "The NRA can be defeated, and the NRA will be defeated," the Massachusetts Democrat said. "The president has shown that change is possible, now it is our job in Congress to show that there are many of us who are willing to fight. And, that's how we will get sensible gun reform. We will get it." Read the full article … Continue Reading

December 23, 2015

Associated Press: Warren, Markey: Let States Allow Partial Opioid Prescriptions

BOSTON (AP) - Several U.S. senators are urging federal regulators to make it clear that partially filling prescriptions for opioid drugs is permitted under federal law. Massachusetts Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Edward Markey said in a letter to the Drug Enforcement Administration that officials in many states - including Massachusetts - have pushed for the change as a way to combat the opioid addiction problem. Read the full Associated Press article … Continue Reading

December 23, 2015

Springfield Republican: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and colleagues press feds for more answers on medical marijuana research

A group of U.S. senators, including Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey of Massachusetts, is still seeking answers on federal barriers to research on medical marijuana and hit U.S. agencies for a lack of coordination with states on the issue. Warren, Markey and six other senators sent a letter in July asking for information on federal agencies' efforts on medical marijuana research. Medical marijuana is currently legal in 23 states, including Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. Read the full … Continue Reading

December 01, 2015

Springfield Republican: US Sen. Elizabeth Warren questions federal settlement with Education Management Corporation

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., raised concerns Tuesday about the federal government's recent settlement with a for-profit college company, arguing that it may not even provide relief to the students who owe billions in loans. Warren, who joined U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., in penning a letter to the Departments of Education and Justice, contended that the settlement with Education Management Corporation, which operates the Art Institutes, Brown Mackie … Continue Reading

November 18, 2015

The Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren visits Puerto Rico

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren touched down in Puerto Rico Thursday, her latest stop on a tour of governments with distressed economies, and reiterated her support for the US territory to use bankruptcy to solve its problems. She met with top officials in the US territory who told her the country is struggling to meet the next payments on the $72 billion of debt the government has accumulated. Read the full article … Continue Reading

November 18, 2015

The Springfield Republican: US Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls for update on performance of Dodd-Frank 'whistleblower' protections

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Republican Chuck Grassley, of Iowa, urged the Securities and Exchange Commission this week for an update on the performance of so-called "whistleblower" protections created under the Dodd-Frank Act. Warren and Grassley, in a letter to SEC Chair Mary Jo White, requested information on the agency's Office of the Whistleblower, as well as asked about implementation of 2013 SEC Office of Inspector General recommendations, among other things. Read the full … Continue Reading

October 28, 2015

Springfield Republican: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, other Massachusetts lawmakers call on Social Security Administration to treat same-sex marriages equally

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., joined Massachusetts and other lawmakers this week in calling on the Social Security Administration to ensure the U.S. Supreme Court's recent marriage decisions are implemented and that married same-sex couples are not penalized due to delays. In a letter to Acting Commissioner of Social Security Carolyn Colvin and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, congressional lawmakers said while the the agency continues to work to implement high courts rulings that ended … Continue Reading

October 27, 2015

New Bedford Standard-Times: Senate Democrats highlight college debt issue

Americans should "feel the shame" of saddling recent college graduates with billions of dollars in high-interest student loans that are generating profits for the federal government at the expense of the general economy, said Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. Warren, who has proposed legislation to lower federally-mandated interest rates on student loans, spoke at a hearing organized by fellow Senate Democrats to draw attention to the college debt issue. The all-Democrat event included testimony … Continue Reading

September 23, 2015

Associated Press: US Senate passes Warren bill to require settlement details

BOSTON - A bill sponsored by U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren that aims to give the public more details about settlements reached by federal enforcement agencies has passed the Senate. The Massachusetts Democrat says the goal of the bill is to require the agencies to be more transparent about any deals cut as part of the agreements. She said when the government settles cases, it highlights the dollar amount obtained from the offender but often doesn't point out tax deductions and other credits built … Continue Reading

September 10, 2015

Fall River Herald News: Steppingstone in Fall River awarded $400K federal grant

Fall River - Steppingstone Inc., a substance abuse treatment center, has received a $400,000 federal grant to continue helping incarcerated men with substance abuse and mental health issues before and after they are released from jail. The three-year grant from the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment will support Project Reentering Offenders Achieving Recovery, a collaborative effort between Steppingstone and the Bristol County Sheriff's Office, for the second time. "We're really excited," … Continue Reading

September 03, 2015

Brockton Enterprise: Senator Warren attends opening for new Brockton health center

Brockton - The partnership between a new satellite health clinic and an adjoining neighborhood supermarket was lauded Wednesday as the bridge to good health in downtown Brockton's former "food desert."The grand opening of the Brockton Neighborhood Health Center's 13,000-square-foot outpatient clinic - expected to serve about 6,700 patients annually - drew dignitaries including U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren."It's good to be here to celebrate," Warren said to huge applause in blistering heat."This … Continue Reading

September 02, 2015

The Boston Globe: AG, Elizabeth Warren help students mired in for-profit debt

Boston-Peguy Pierre stood inside the Boston University business school Tuesday evening with her 7-month-old daughter on her hip and her 10-year-old son by her side as she worked with a counselor trying to find a way to eliminate her student debt. The 33-year-old Haitian immigrant, who now lives in Dorchester, registered for the Everest Institute in Brighton when her son Schlegel was born, hoping to find a career as a medical assistant. "They promised they were going to help me find a job," she … Continue Reading

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