October 22, 2018

MassLive: Elizabeth Warren touts bill to create 3 million new affordable housing units across US

SPRINGFIELD -- With housing authorities struggling to meet demand due to growing waitlists, a low number of available apartments and aging infrastructure, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, called Monday for the federal government to build 3 million new housing units across the country. 
Warren, who is up for re-election in November, made her pitch while discussing her proposed "American Housing and Economic Mobility Act" with Western Massachusetts housing officials, elected leaders and veterans advocates.
Arguing that there is currently not enough housing stock across the United States to serve those seeking affordable housing options, the senator argued that federal officials must do more to help middle- and low-income Americans currently on waiting lists. 
Read the full story on MassLive's website here.

By:  Shannon Young
Source: MassLive