
June 2020
Warren, Booker Call for Universal COVID-19 Testing of All Incarcerated Individuals and Staff at Federal Prisons
May 2020
Warren, Democratic Senators Request Information About the Distribution of Coronavirus Relief Funds to Tribal Governments
Warren Joins 22 Colleagues in Urging Senate Leadership to Increase Funding for Nonprofit Museums and Library Services in the Next COVID-19 Package
Warren, Merkley, Colleagues Demand Education Department Hold Student Loan Servicer Great Lakes Accountable for CARES Act Blunder That Likely Lowered Credit Scores for Millions of Borrowers
Warren, Reed, Colleagues Seek Information on DoD Efforts to Prevent COVID-19 Outbreaks at Guantanamo Bay Prison
Warren, Colleagues Call for Inspector General Audit of OSHA's Inadequate Enforcement Amid Growing Worker Illnesses and Deaths During COVID-19 Pandemic
Warren, Haaland Request U.S. Commission on Civil Rights to Examine Federal Government's Response to Impact of COVID-19 in Indian Country
Senators Warren, Markey and Colleagues Urge Trump Administration to Prepare for Simultaneous Peaks of 2020 Flu Season, COVID-19 Outbreak
Senators Caution Israel Against Unilateral Annexation of West Bank Territory
Warren, Reed, Colleagues Blast JetBlue, Delta for Accepting Federal CARES Act Bailout Funds and Then Cutting Employees' Hours, Paychecks
Warren Urges Fed to Hold CEOs Personally Accountable for Companies' Compliance with CARES Act Bailout Terms
Sen. Warren and Rep. Rice Lead Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers in Urging House & Senate Leadership to Include Medicare Audiologist Access and Services Act Provisions in Upcoming COVID-19 Packages
Massachusetts Lawmakers Urge Federal Bureau of Prisons to Implement Widespread COVID-19 Testing at Federal Medical Center Devens
Warren Urges CFTC Climate Subcommittee to Recommend Strong Market Risk Regulations to Address Threats from Climate Change
Government Accountability Office Agrees to Audit of VA Oversight of Care Quality at State Veterans Homes
Warren, Colleagues Call for Senate HELP Committee Hearing with HHS Whistleblower Rick Bright
Warren, Klobuchar, and Cicilline to Federal Reserve and Treasury: Ensure a Competitive Economy, Protect Small Businesses From Predatory Corporate Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic
Senators Warren and Markey, Rep. Pressley Call for Transparency in Remdesivir, Coronavirus Drug Distribution and to Ensure Drug Reaches Communities Most in Need
Massachusetts Lawmakers Urge House and Senate Leadership to Provide Financial Support to Massachusetts' Steamship Authority
Warren, Massachusetts Delegation Call on Walmart to Protect Workers in Massachusetts Stores
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