
June 2020
After Trump Claims He "Slowed Down" Coronavirus Testing, Warren, Schumer, Markey, and Blumenthal Call for Inspector General to Investigate
Warren and Brown Urge Regulators: Reverse Rule that Weakens Capital Requirements and Makes Banks More Vulnerable to Collapse During this Crisis
Warren, Schakowsky Investigate Reports that Trump Administration Dismissed an Offer to Manufacture Millions of N95 Respirators Even After the First COVID-19 Case was Detected in the U.S.
Senators Warren and Markey Urge FERC to Halt Construction of the Natural Gas Compressor Station in Weymouth
Senators Warren, Brown, and Sanders Call for the Government Watchdog to Investigate For-Profit Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
Senators Warren, Casey, and Baldwin Urge Trump to Stop Dismantling Assistance Programs During COVID-19
Warren, Blumenthal, Jayapal Probe Allegations of COVID-19 Conflicts of Interest Affecting Vice President Mike Pence's Chief of Staff Marc Short and Head of Operation Warp Speed Dr. Moncef Slaoui
Warren, Lieu Renew Calls for Investigation into State Dept. Official's Efforts to Fast Track Saudi Arms Deal Benefitting Former Client Raytheon
Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congressman Adriano Espaillat Push Housing Relief for Puerto Rico
Warren Joins Senate Democrats in Calling for an Improved Process for Applying for PPP Loan Forgiveness
Warren, Schumer, Reed Call on President Trump to Support Bipartisan Proposal in Annual Defense Bill to Rename All Bases & Other Military Assets Named for the Confederacy and Anyone Who Served in the Confederacy
Warren, Smith, Rosen, Casey, Clark Urge SBA and Treasury to Ensure Child Care Small Businesses Have Access to PPP Benefits
Warren, Gallego Question DoD's Reliance on Prison Industry Trade Association for Accreditation of Military Detention Facilities
Warren Calls on Acting Comptroller of the Currency Brian Brooks to Withdraw Rule That Guts Nation's Anti-Redlining Law
Warren, Schumer, Blumenthal Release New Findings and Documents from Investigation of Trump-Kushner "Project Air Bridge" Coronavirus Response
Warren, Brown, Menendez Urge Senate Leadership to Include Additional Protections to Help Homeowners Survive the COVID-19 Crisis
Warren, Harris, Scanlon, Vargas Demand Answers on ICE & CBP Involvement in Policing Ongoing Protests
Warren, Colleagues Urge Defense Department to Refrain from Using U.S. Military to Suppress Nationwide Protests
Warren Calls on DOJ IG to Investigate Role of Attorney General Barr in "Sickening and Appalling" Attack on Peaceful Protestors at the White House
Warren Calls for an Independent Watchdog Investigation of Role of Military in "Sickening and Appalling" Attack on Peaceful Protestors at the White House
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