January 31, 2017

Senator Warren's Statement on the Nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) released the following statement on the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court:

"President Trump had the chance to select a consensus nominee to the Supreme Court. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, he failed that test.

"Instead, he carried out his public promise to select a nominee from a list drawn up by far right activist groups that were financed by big business interests.

"Judge Gorsuch has been on this list for four months. His public record, which I have reviewed in detail, paints a clear picture.

"Before even joining the bench, he advocated to make it easier for public companies to defraud investors. As a judge, he has twisted himself into a pretzel to make sure the rules favor giant companies over workers and individual Americans. He has sided with employers who deny wages, improperly fire workers, or retaliate against whistleblowers for misconduct. He has ruled against workers in all manner of discrimination cases. And he has demonstrated hostility toward women's access to basic health care.

"For years, powerful interests have executed a full-scale assault on the integrity of our federal judiciary, trying to turn the Supreme Court into one more rigged game that works only for the rich and the powerful. They spent millions to keep this seat open, and Judge Gorsuch is their reward.

"Every day, our new President finds more ways to demonstrate his hostility for our independent judiciary, our civil society, and the rule of law. Now more than ever, America needs Supreme Court justices with a proven record of standing up for the rights of all Americans - civil rights, women's rights, LGBT rights, and all other protections guaranteed by our laws. We don't need another justice who spends his time looking out for those with money and influence.

"Based on the long and well-established record of Judge Gorsuch, I will oppose his nomination."
