February 01, 2017

Senate Dems Call Out Trump Administration for Appointee Hires with History of Making Racist, Bigoted, and Misogynistic Statements

Recent report shows several hires by the Trump transition team at the Department of Education have used social media to make hateful statements about African-Americans, transgender people, and women-LINK

Today in a new letter Senators says they are "deeply troubled" with the employment decisions and hiring practices being established by the Trump Administration

Senators request immediate information of Administration's vetting procedures for appointees and the Department's efforts to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce

Senators: "We are committed to fighting discrimination of any kind and to ensuring that political appointees and career employees at the Department-and throughout the Administration"

(Washington, D.C.) - Senators Patty Murray (D-WA), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Al Franken (D-MN), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Cory Booker (D-NJ) today sent a letter to the Trump Administration and the Department of Education regarding reports that several recently hired employees have a history of making racist, bigoted, and misogynistic statements toward African-American and Muslim communities, transgender people, and women. While it now has been reported that at least one employee in question will no longer be joining the Department, the Senators remain concerned about the employment decisions and hiring practices being established by the Trump Administration.

"President Trump ran a divisive campaign filled with dangerous rhetoric and we are disappointed to see that this rhetoric appears to be continuing into his presidency," wrote the Senators. "We are committed to fighting discrimination of any kind and to ensuring that political appointees and career employees at the Department-and throughout the Administration-will respect and serve all students, including students of color, LGBT students, immigrant students, international students, students with disabilities, homeless and foster youth, and students of all religious backgrounds and beliefs."

The Senators are requesting a briefing regarding the Administration's vetting procedures for appointees, how the Department intends to handle reports of inappropriate communications or behavior from staff, and the Department's efforts to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce free of prejudice or malice.

Full letter below or click HERE for a PDF.

February 1, 2017
Mr. Jason Botel
Senior White House Advisor for Education
1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20006

Phil Rosenfelt
Acting Secretary of Education
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20202

Dear Mr. Botel and Mr. Rosenfelt:

We are deeply troubled to learn of reports that several employees who were hired by President Trump's transition team at the U.S. Department of Education ("the Department") have a history of making racist, bigoted, and misogynistic statements toward African-American and Muslim communities, transgender people, and women. While it now has been reported that at least one employee in question will no longer be joining the Department, we remain concerned about the employment decisions and hiring practices being established by the Trump Administration.

President Trump ran a divisive campaign filled with dangerous rhetoric and we are disappointed to see that this rhetoric appears to be continuing into his presidency. We are committed to fighting discrimination of any kind and to ensuring that political appointees and career employees at the Department-and throughout the Administration-will respect and serve all students, including students of color, LGBT students, immigrant students, international students, students with disabilities, homeless and foster youth, and students of all religious backgrounds and beliefs.

We are requesting a briefing for our staffs regarding the Department's efforts to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce free of prejudice or malice, the Administration's vetting procedures for appointees, and how the Department intends to handle reports of inappropriate communications or behavior from staff.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this critical matter. If you have any questions, or would like to further discuss compliance with this request, please contact Beth Stein, General Counsel for the Ranking Member of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, at (202) 224-2931.

