January 31, 2017

Sen. Warren Statement on the Nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions for Attorney General

Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren released the following statement today on the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to serve as Attorney General of the United States:

"Last night, the acting Attorney General of the United States refused to defend President Trump's unlawful and unconstitutional Muslim ban, so Donald Trump fired her. Let me repeat: the President of the United States just fired the nation's top law enforcement officer for refusing to defend an illegal, unconstitutional and deeply immoral order.

"Now, the President expects the Senate to replace her with Senator Jeff Sessions - a man whose career has been defined by open hostility to civil rights, immigrants, and the rule of law. Sessions is so dangerous that a Republican-controlled Senate rejected his nomination to a federal judgeship 30 years ago.

"It's time for the Senate to stand up for the Constitution and exert moral leadership. I will vote against the nomination of Jeff Sessions for Attorney General, and I urge my colleagues to do so as well."
