
July 21, 2020

The New York Times: To Fight the Pandemic, Here’s My Must-Do List

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Americans stayed at home and sacrificed for months to flatten the curve and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. That gave us time to take the steps needed to address the pandemic — but President Trump squandered it, refusing to issue national stay-at-home guidelines, failing to set up a national testing operation and fumbling production of personal protective equipment. Now, Congress must again act as this continues to spiral out of control.Those who frame the debate as one of health … Continue Reading

July 07, 2020

The Wall Street Journal: Eugene Scalia Off the Mark on ESG Investing

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia proclaims his department is doing right by retirees by making it harder to invest with environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in mind (“Retirees’ Security Trumps Other Social Goals,” op-ed, June 24). Mr. Scalia claims retirement advisers shouldn’t consider these factors because “retirees’ security trumps other social goals.” Mr. Scalia overlooks that ESG funds routinely outperform other offerings and ignores well-documented economic risks … Continue Reading

July 06, 2020

Univision: Debemos actuar ahora para poner fin a los devastadores impactos de covid-19

by Senadora Elizabeth Warren

Cuando los grandes bancos y las compañías hipotecarias colapsaron nuestra economía en 2008, los grandes ejecutivos de Wall Street obtuvieron los rescates de los contribuyentes del gobierno federal, mientras que los trabajadores se quedaron estancados con la factura. Y para las comunidades de color ya vulnerables, la recesión fue aún peor.Las comunidades latinas fueron algunas de las más afectadas, según un estudio del Pew Research Center que encontró que la economía de estos hogares cayó … Continue Reading

July 06, 2020

Univision: We Must Act Now to End the Devastating Impacts of Covid-19

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

When the big banks and mortgage companies crashed our economy in 2008, Wall Street CEOs got taxpayer bail-outs from the federal government, while working people got stuck with the bill.And for already vulnerable communities of color, the recession hit even worse. Latino communities were some of the hardest hit, with a Pew Research Center study finding that the median wealth of these households fell by 66% from 2005-2009. If the federal government doesn’t act, the COVID-19 pandemic will have a … Continue Reading

May 26, 2020

The Washington Post: The federal government fiddles as covid-19 ravages Native Americans

by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Deb Haaland

For generations, the federal government has failed to honor its promises to Native American people. Now, covid-19 is ravaging Native communities, killing young people and elders alike, and devastating tribal economies. We are fighting in Congress to ensure that sovereign Native nations have the resources needed to protect the health and well-being of their citizens during this pandemic. The novel coronavirus's terrible impact in Indian Country underscores that the federal government must live … Continue Reading

May 14, 2020

NBC News: Coronavirus contact tracing could stop COVID-19 and reopen America. We have a plan for that.

by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Andy Levin

As states across America try to reopen cities and towns, some people are acting like we have two mutually exclusive options: protect our public health or get our economy up and running. They could not be more wrong. Workers, consumers and businesses need to feel safe in their communities before we can get back to normal. In other words, we can't rebuild our economy without stopping the spread of COVID-19. Even as we rush to develop a vaccine - which could take months, if not years - contact … Continue Reading

April 21, 2020

Medium Post: Congress must provide immediate relief for consumers. Here’s how.

by Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

The coronavirus outbreak poses a major challenge to public health and to the economy. An unprecedented 22 million Americans filed for unemployment in the last four weeks, yet bills keep coming and debts keep piling up. A part of our policy response to the crisis must include solutions that help those teetering on the edge of financial ruin. For millions of Americans, a $1,200 stimulus check will not even cover one month of basic expenses, including rent and mortgage payments, food and … Continue Reading

April 15, 2020

Medium Post: Our Plan for a $50 Billion Child Care Bailout

by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Tina Smith

The coronavirus pandemic is causing a crisis for the nation's child care providers and working families. Following the advice of public health experts and government officials, businesses have shuttered and families across the country are staying home to stay safe and to mitigate the spread of the virus. But this has pushed child care providers to the absolute brink: forced to either close their doors to stop the spread of the virus, or stay open around the clock to provide emergency … Continue Reading

April 14, 2020

The Root: Congress Must Mandate Release of Coronavirus Demographic Data—Including Race and Ethnicity

by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Karen Bass, Robin Kelly and Barbara Lee

The coronavirus pandemic is a crisis unlike any we’ve seen in our lifetime. In the United States alone, hundreds of thousands of people are confirmed sick, more than 20,000 people have died, and more than 16 million have filed for unemployment. Already, we are seeing the ways in which the pandemic is impacting communities unequally. The early data is alarming: The virus appears to be infecting and killing people of color at higher rates. This reflects the structural racism and systemic … Continue Reading

April 08, 2020

The New York Times: Congress Needs a Plan to Confront the Coronavirus. I Have One.

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Congress has passed three coronavirus packages aimed at providing immediate relief to families, workers, hospitals and small businesses, but with more than 12,000 dead and 10 million out of work, the scale of this tragedy demands we do much more - much faster. Communities across the country are entering a critical stage. Illnesses are mounting and our health system is stretched to the brink. Early data shows people of color are infected and dying at disproportionately high rates. Unemployment … Continue Reading

April 07, 2020

Medium Post: Protecting Our Elections During the Coronavirus Pandemic

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

The coronavirus outbreak is not only a public health emergency and an economic crisis - it also threatens our elections. Elections are foundational to our democracy. But as federal, state, tribal, and local governments issue stay-at-home orders and encourage residents to practice social distancing to combat the virus, large-scale, in-person voting on Election Day could present serious risks to public health. While many states have taken steps to postpone primary elections or adopted … Continue Reading

March 26, 2020

Medium Post: Congress Must Move to Rapidly Increase Our Coronavirus Testing Capacity

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Congress is close to finishing its third legislative package to assist in the coronavirus response. It's imperative that as soon as this package is complete, we immediately turn to dramatically increasing our coronavirus testing capacity, which will help us address both the health and economic impacts of this crisis.I've outlined some ideas to consider as we move toward this long overdue goal.Widespread diagnostic testing is necessary to control coronavirus - as we've seen, countries … Continue Reading

March 24, 2020

Boston Globe: The coronavirus puts child care sector in need of a bailout

by Elizabeth Warren, Bruce Mann, Joseph Kennedy III, Lauren Birchfield Kennedy, Katherine Clark, Ayanna Pressley, and Conan Harris

Parents across the Commonwealth face a painful economic bind: their children are at home, but the child care check is still due. COVID-19 has (rightfully) forced the closure of child care centers across Massachusetts. In doing so, it has forced a profound reckoning about the state of the American child care system.The child care sector — long overlooked and long deprived of adequate public investment — is foundational to today’s economy. Nearly 80 percent of parents with young children are in … Continue Reading

March 21, 2020

CNBC: Coronavirus stimulus bill must include expanded Social Security payments

by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wyden

Congress is allocating billions of dollars to respond to coronavirus and a growing economic crisis - and those dollars need to be directed right into Americans' pockets.Right now, Americans are facing a public health crisis and an economic crisis. Coronavirus carries special risks for older Americans and people with underlying health conditions, who are following the advice of public health experts by staying home and staying away from other people in order to reduce their exposure to … Continue Reading

March 20, 2020

USA Today: Any Coronavirus bailout must put workers first

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

As Congress responds to the coronavirus emergency, the financial security of workers and their families should be our first priority. That means making sure that any federal bailout of giant corporations directly helps their employees, fuels a grassroots recovery and ensures that those big companies make serious, long-term reforms that reduce the odds they're back before taxpayers again looking for another bailout.But the Trump administration's current proposals -- and the one released … Continue Reading

March 16, 2020

CNN: We need a grassroots stimulus package

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

The coronavirus relief package awaiting a Senate vote should not be delayed, and we must pass it immediately. But we need to do more.The US is heading toward a recession, and Speaker Pelosi has already announced plans for an additional emergency response package. This is the right approach. We must act quickly to enact a major fiscal stimulus package that wards off economic disaster. This legislation must meet the challenge of the crisis we face by taking the next steps crucial to … Continue Reading

February 24, 2020

Boston Globe: The coronavirus puts child care sector in need of a bailout

by Elizabeth Warren, Bruce Mann, Joseph Kennedy III, Lauren Birchfield Kennedy, Katherine Clark, Ayanna Pressley, and Conan Harris

Parents across the Commonwealth face a painful economic bind: their children are at home, but the child care check is still due. COVID-19 has (rightfully) forced the closure of child care centers across Massachusetts. In doing so, it has forced a profound reckoning about the state of the American child care system.The child care sector — long overlooked and long deprived of adequate public investment — is foundational to today’s economy. Nearly 80 percent of parents with young children … Continue Reading

October 16, 2019

Boston Globe: Housing rule would make it harder to fight discrimination

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

During the housing boom of the early 2000s, Massachusetts homeowners Ana and Ismael Ramirez did what a lot of homeowners did: They used a broker to refinance their home.The mortgage company set prices looking at objective measures like credit history and outstanding debt. But the mortgage company also empowered the broker who sold the mortgage to jack up the Ramirezes’ mortgage rate even more and pocket some of the difference. The Ramirezes suspected they had been duped, and they weren’t … Continue Reading

September 13, 2019

The Eagle Tribune: Safety standards, accountability must enforced after gas disaster

by Senator Elizabeth Warren and Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera

We will never forget the confusion, the anger and the disbelief this time last year, when our Lawrence, North Andover and Andover communities shook from the gas pipeline explosions that destroyed homes, businesses and roads. The explosions left thousands without heat or hot water during some of the coldest months of the year, put dozens of people in the hospital, and tragically killed one young man, 18-year old Leonel Rondon. A preliminary National Transportation Safety Board report laid … Continue Reading

August 16, 2019

Indian Country Today: The federal government has a responsibility to write a new chapter in the story of its government-to-government relationship with tribal nations

by Representative Deb Haaland and Senator Elizabeth Warren

The story of the United States' treatment of Native Americans is a profoundly painful one. It is a story of genocide and forced removal, of systematic oppression and broken promises. Despite this painful history, the story of Native American people today is also one of resilience in the face of oppression, achievement in every walk of life, and contribution to a country that has taken so much.The federal government has a responsibility to write a new chapter in the story of the United … Continue Reading

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