September 18, 2020

Boston Globe: Ranked-choice voting is a better way to vote

In a large, diverse field of candidates, ranked-choice ballots would guarantee democratic majority rule.

Across the country, nearly 1,000 people are dying each day from COVID-19, an infectious disease that should have been under control by now. The economy is being squeezed to its breaking point. The fight for racial justice has reached an inflection point and demands bold action. And from postal sabotage to old-fashioned voter purges, voting — the very foundation of our democracy and an essential instrument for change — is under siege.

To defend our democracy, we need to fortify it. One way is by strengthening the principle of majority rule while defending and protecting the rights of all individuals, including those in the minority. Massachusetts voters have a chance to do just that in November by approving ranked-choice voting on Question 2.

Read the full article on the Boston Globe website here.

By:  Elizabeth Warren and Jamie Raskin
Source: Ranked-choice voting is a better way to vote