October 19, 2017

Glamour: Elizabeth Warren Once Struggled to Find Child Care—and Every Working Mother Can Relate

For millions of American families, securing affordable, high-quality child care is a challenge if not an impossibility-one that Senator Elizabeth Warren is all too familiar with.

On Wednesday evening the Massachusetts lawmaker delivered the keynote address at the National Women's Law Center's forty-fifth anniversary gala and, in a heartfelt speech, revealed that if it hadn't been for the help of her 78-year-old aunt Bee, she likely wouldn't be a U.S. senator today.


"Until we decide, until all of us decide-men and women, married and single, black and white, old and young-that we are willing to invest more in all our children, then we cannot build a country in which women have an equal opportunity to build a future," Warren said. "The energy to make these changes will come from people like you, people who fight for equality every day. And most importantly, the energy will come from the many people all across the country who have joined this fight and made it a part of their lives."

Read more on the Glamour website here.