October 19, 2017

Boston Globe: Warren takes lead role in fight against Trump tax plan

WASHINGTON - Elizabeth Warren is focusing her trademark populist style on the next big item on the Republican to-do list in Washington: overhauling the US tax code.

The Massachusetts senator kicked off her fresh national effort Wednesday morning by arguing that President Trump and his wealthy Cabinet members stand to reap huge financial rewards from their own tax plan.

"Trump's tax plan is simple. The rich get richer, and everyone else gets left behind," Warren said at a press conference, standing alongside Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer. "It is just plain immoral at a time when the top 1 percent are already getting richer and richer and working families are scraping to pay for housing and schools and child care; it is just plain immoral to slash taxes for the rich while sticking it to everyone else."

Read more on the Boston Globe's website here.