October 18, 2017

Washington Post: ‘We have not forgotten you,’: Elizabeth Warren, activists hold rally for Puerto Rico

Touting a sign that read "Paper towels are not enough," Jean Clark, a software developer from Silver Spring, Md., joined a few hundred others Wednesday on a march from the Capitol to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to protest what they say is an inadequate response by President Trump to storm-ravaged Puerto Rico.

Clark said she was particularly incensed by Trump's visit to the U.S. territory after Hurricane Maria, during which he tossed paper towels to a crowd. She and other protesters want debt relief and more aid for the island.

"We have not forgotten you," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren ­(D-Mass.), speaking about Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands as she addressed the crowd outside the Capitol. "You are our brothers and sisters. You are our fellow U.S. citizens. And you are part of our hearts."

Read more on the Washington Post's website here.