September 29, 2020

Senator Warren: I Will Not Be Meeting with Donald Trump's Supreme Court Nominee

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) released the following statement: 

"I will not be meeting with Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee. I will not lend legitimacy to Mitch McConnell's efforts to steal another Supreme Court seat. The nominee has already made it clear that she will try to deliver a death blow to health care coverage for millions of Americans and to erase protection for people with pre-existing conditions. She's an extremist who was picked to overturn Roe v. Wade, rubber stamp Trump's attacks on immigrants, strip away voting rights, and complete the decades-long assault on our judiciary by billionaires and giant corporations to tilt the courts in their favor. Too many lives are on the line. We need to treat this nomination like the illegitimate power grab it is." 
