September 29, 2020

Trump COVID-19 Watch

Washington, DC - Elizabeth Warren is continuing her oversight of the Trump Administration's COVID-19 response. More than 200,000 Americans have died, over 7 million cases have been confirmed, and unemployment rates remain at the highest levels in decades. President Donald Trump's failure to lead has allowed the virus to spread and put millions of Americans' lives and livelihoods at risk.

Senator Warren and Representative Khanna, members of the Senate and House Armed Services Committees, formally requested that the Department of Defense Inspector General investigate the Pentagon funneling hundreds of millions of dollars of COVID-19 CARES Act funds to defense contractors. 

At Senator Warren's request, the Inspector General of the International Development Finance Corporation, agreed to review the Trump Administration's opaque and unusual decision - which came after an unprecedented lobbying effort - to award Kodak a $765 million taxpayer-funded loan as part of the COVID-19 response. 

Senator Warren called out vaccine czar Dr. Moncef Slaoui's conflicts of interest during a Senate Committee hearing where the FDA Commissioner agreed with her that financial conflicts of interest could "affect public perception" of the vaccine development process. 

·       Senators Warren and Hassan have called on the FDA to commit to full transparency in the COVID-19 vaccine review process amidst mounting political pressure from the President to approve a vaccine before Election Day.

Senators Warren and Booker pressed OSHA on its feckless enforcement at meatpacking facilities with COVID-19 outbreaks. 

Senators Warren and Booker and Representative Deutch demanded information on the safety of prisoner transportation by the U.S. Marshals Service and a private contractor amid COVID-19 pandemic. 

UPCOMING: Senator Warren will be introducing legislation on improving the COVID-19 response, including increasing access to testing and contact tracing, in federal correctional facilities. 
