June 21, 2013

Sen. Warren Applauds Health Care Rebates for MA Families

Affordable Care Act Will Save 173,454 MA Families an Average of $457

WASHINGTON, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) today applauded Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's announcement that 173,454 Massachusetts families will benefit from a total of $34,250,845 in Affordable Care Act rebates this summer - an average of $457 per family.

"These rebates are a great example of how the Affordable Care Act is showing real results for families across Massachusetts," said Senator Warren. "Families deserve access to high quality and affordable care. The health care reform law is working to make sure insurance companies deliver better services for consumers at lower cost."

The rebates to Massachusetts families are the result of provisions in the Affordable Care Act requiring insurance companies to spend at least 80 cents of each premium dollar on patient care and quality improvement. Additional expenditures must be refunded to patients. Because of these requirements, families across the Commonwealth are receiving rebates or have seen their insurance plans lower prices or improve coverage.
