Op Eds

May 2018
TIME: TIME: Trump’s New Proposal Is Another Attempt by the Government to Control Women’s Bodies
CNN: CNN Op-Ed: How Congress can combat sexual harassment
April 2018
Standard-Times: Standard-Times: Support mental health funding
Bloomberg: Bloomberg Op-Ed: Don't Make a Bad Bill on Bank Deregulation Worse
March 2018
USA Today: USA Today Op-Ed: Treat the opioid crisis like the HIV/AIDS epidemic
Wall Street Journal: Wall Street Journal Op-Ed: Republicans Remain Silent as Mulvaney's CFPB Ducks Oversight
Boston Globe: Boston Globe Op-Ed: A foreign policy in Asia that works at home
February 2018
Boston Globe: Boston Globe: America needs union jobs
January 2018
USA Today: USA Today Op-Ed: Elizabeth Warren: Trump team isn't negotiating a good NAFTA deal for workers
American Banker: American Banker Op-Ed: Misguided data freeze keeps CFPB from doing its job
TIME: TIME Op-Ed: America Can Never Go Back to the Era of Back-Alley Abortions
December 2017
STAT: STAT Op-Ed: Congress needs to fund community health centers right away
South Coast Today : South Coast Today Op-Ed: The internet is for all of us ... not just the rich and powerful
New York Times: New York Times Op-Ed: Warren and Sanders: Who Is Congress Really Serving?
Washington Post: Washington Post Op-Ed: UPS and Pfizer’s dirty little secret
November 2017
USA Today: USA Today Op-Ed: Don't let Trump & Wall Street gut consumer protection bureau
American Prospect: American Prospect Op-Ed: Don't Let Wall Street Run Amok
Boston Herald: Boston Herald Op-Ed: A seat of honor for POW/MIAs
Washington Post: Washington Post Op-Ed: The Republican tax plan puts rich donors ahead of working families
Politico : Politico Op-Ed: The Supreme Court Has An Ethics Problem
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