May 12, 2020

WBUR: Pressed By Warren, Fauci Says Coronavirus Is Not Contained

Answering questions from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the coronavirus has not yet been contained, and that without robust federal mitigation measures in place by the fall, the country could see a resurgence that leads to “more infections and more deaths.”

“Do we have the coronavirus contained?” Warren asked Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, during Tuesday’s hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

“It depends on what you mean by containment,” Fauci said, noting that while the numbers of daily reports of infections and hospitalizations has been falling in some regions that were the hardest hit, such as New York City and New Orleans, there are currently spikes elsewhere. 


Read the full article on the WBUR website here

By:  Kimberly Atkins
Source: WBUR