May 13, 2020

MassLive: Ed Markey, Elizabeth Warren introduce bill to offer refunds for canceled airline travel

A new bill introduced in the Senate would mandate airlines offer full cash refunds for canceled tickets instead of future travel credits.

The bill, titled Cash Refunds for Coronavirus Cancellations Act of 2020, was introduced Wednesday by both of Massachusetts senators, Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, as well as Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy of Connecticut, and California Sen. Kamala Harris.

If passed, the bill would mandate all airlines operating in the United States - including international companies - and third-party ticket sellers offer full cash refunds for all air travel canceled during the coronavirus pandemic. Refunds would be retroactive to any scheduled flight on or after March 1 and remain mandated until 180 days past the date when the nationwide state of emergency order is lifted.


Read the full story on the MassLive website here

By:  Michelle Williams
Source: MassLive