June 12, 2020

Common Dreams: Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Ro Khanna Introduce Bill to Increase Military Accountability for Civilian Casualties

Since waging the world’s only nuclear war at the end of World War II, the United States military has killed more foreign civilians than any other armed force on the planet, by far.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) this week introduced a bicameral bill meant to improve reporting, investigation and, ultimately, prevention of civilian casualties. 

On Wednesday, Khanna introduced the Protection of Civilians In Military Operations Act, which he said will “ensure that the Pentagon provides accurate data not only on civilians killed in direct US military operations, but also on civilians killed by US partner forces, such as the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.” 

“This bill also takes the essential step of requiring the Pentagon to establish a publicly accessible database of its investigations into civilian casualties,” he added. “Maximizing transparency will prevent further loss of life.”


Read the full article on the Common Dreams website here. 

By:  Brett Wilkins
Source: Common Dreams