June 10, 2020

Forbes: Colleges Want Coronavirus Liability Protection. Senator Warren Says Not So Fast.

Colleges and universities are in the midst of planning for the fall after the coronavirus completely disrupted their spring semester. Campuses are trying to estimate enrollment numbers, figure out how to open dorms and classrooms, and plan for a likely second wave. Something they’re also planning for is the potential for lawsuits, and schools are seeking to shield themselves from them. But one senator is raising questions about that effort.

Last week, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a hearing called “Going Back to College Safely,” where three college presidents and a public health expert testified on how colleges and universities can safely bring students back this fall. They fielded questions on testing, talked about classroom capacity, funding needs, and Purdue University President Mitch Daniels even discussed the mile of plexiglass he’s ordered.

The conversation also included the recent request from colleges and universities that Congress provide a liability shield as they reopen campuses. In a letter from the higher education membership association, the American Council on Education urged Congress to “quickly enact temporary and targeted liability protections related to the Covid-19 pandemic.”


Read the full article on the Forbes website here. 

By:  Wesley Whistle
Source: Forbes