March 02, 2018

GoLocalWorcester: Warren Blasts Equifax After Disclosure of 2 Million More Americans Affected by Data Breach

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is blasting Equifax following their disclosure of more than 2 million more Americans were affected by a Massive Data Breach. 


Warren released the following statement:

"I spent 5 months investigating the Equifax breach and found the company failed to disclose the full extent of the hack. Today, Equifax acknowledged that 2.4 million more people were affected than initially reported and that driver's license information was also stolen. Equifax can't be trusted. Their mistakes allowed the breach to happen, their response has been a failure, and they still can't level with the public. Enough is enough. We have to start holding the credit reporting industry accountable. I have a bill with Senator Warner that would impose massive, mandatory penalties when companies like Equifax expose millions of Americans' personal information. If we want to prevent another Equifax breach, the Senate should pass it.”


Read the full article on the GoLocalWorcester website here.

By:  GoLocalWorcester News Team
Source: GoLocalWorcester