August 02, 2018

Boston Globe: Warren, other senators ask for probe into Air Force One tours

Massachusetts US Senator Elizabeth Warren is part of a group of senators who have asked the Air Force and Defense Department to investigate who President Trump has invited to tour Air Force One.

The senators cited a report that members of Trump’s exclusive clubs in Florida appear to have been invited on a tour last year.

“This use of Air Force One would not only raise questions about readiness, security, and taxpayer cost, but it also violates the basic principle against using public office for private gain, and could constitute a violation of federal ethics rules,” said the letter, which was sent to the inspectors general of the Air Force and Defense Department.

The other senators who signed were three fellow Democrats, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, and Thomas Carper of Delaware.

Read the full story on the Boston Globe website here.

By:  Martin Finucane
Source: The Boston Globe