August 08, 2018

Boston Globe: Warren and Clark did a survey on gun violence in schools, and they’re sending it to Betsy DeVos

US Senator Elizabeth Warren and US Representative Katherine Clark sent a letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos this week in which they cite Massachusetts as a model for gun safety and implored the Trump cabinet official to rebuff Republican efforts “to fund school security infrastructure at the expense of students’ access to mental health services.”

The two Democrats included with the letter the results of a recent nonscientific survey, conducted by their offices, of 384 Massachusetts teachers, parents, school administrators, and students that they said showed support for mental health services over security.

“Because the Commonwealth of Massachusetts consistently has the lowest rate of gun violence in the United States, Massachusetts teachers, parents, students, and administrators are uniquely positioned to comment on how policymakers can reduce gun violence in schools,” the letter said.

In the survey from Warren and Clark, respondents cited universal background checks, “banning accessories designed to simulate military-grade automatic weapons,” enforcing “extreme risk protection orders,” and implementing waiting periods for gun purchases as policies that would “help reduce the risk of gun violence in schools.”

Read the full story on the Boston Globe website here.

By:  Sophia Eppolito
Source: The Boston Globe