November 15, 2017

Springfield Republican: Democrats, health care groups speak out against effort to repeal Obamacare mandate in GOP tax bill

Members of Massachusetts' congressional delegation and health care groups pushed back this week against efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act's individual coverage mandate through tax overhaul legislation, as well as Medicare and other spending cuts that could be triggered by the GOP bill.

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, slammed Senate Republicans for adding the ACA mandate repeal language to their version of the tax plan -- a measure which she argued would "rip health insurance away from 13 million Americans."

Other Massachusetts Democrats, meanwhile, spoke out against the Congressional Budget Office's finding that the Republican tax bill could trigger an automatic $136 billion in mandatory spending cuts, including $25 billion in Medicare cuts, unless Congress finds another way to offset deficit increases.

Read more on the Springfield Republican's website here.