November 15, 2017 Here’s what Elizabeth Warren said about the expected resignation of CFPB Director Richard Cordray

The Bay State senator says her brainchild agency is "no place for another Trump-appointed industry hack."

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is raising concerns over President Donald Trump's expected appointment to her brainchild agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, following the news that the director of the federal watchdog plans to resign.

According to multiple reports, CFPB Director Richard Cordray sent an email to the agency's staff on Wednesday announcing that he will resign at the end of the month.

In a statement, Warren championed the CFPB's accomplishments under Cordray's leadership. His five-year term as director would have expired in July 2018. However, the 58-year-old Democrat is speculated to being planning a 2018 campaign for governor in his home state of Ohio.

"He held big banks accountable," Warren said. "He is a dedicated public servant and a tireless watchdog for American consumers - and he will be missed."

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