August 31, 2017

Old Colony Memorial: Sen. Warren says time to play offense in fight to beat addiction

Sen. Elizabeth Warren delivered mixed news on the opioid crisis Thursday during a tour of High Point Treatment Center.

PLYMOUTH - Sen. Elizabeth Warren delivered mixed news on the opioid crisis Thursday during a tour of High Point Treatment Center.

Speaking with a group of treatment providers from throughout the region, Warren, D-Massachusetts, released the results of a survey showing that Massachusetts is doing well in its fight to treat substance use and curb addiction. But much of that ability is based on high rates of insurance coverage that are threatened by proposed budget cuts in Washington.


"He said, ‘I messed up again,' and his eyes filled with tears. And I said, "You've got to be strong.′ He said, ‘I'm really trying,' and we gave each other hugs and moved on. It's a terrible illness," Warren said. "Their bodies have changed, their minds have changed, their whole circumstances have changed and they need help to beat it. And sometimes that means beating it back a second time and a third time and a fourth time. We've got to be there to help. It's going to be all of us."

Read more on the Old Colony Memorial website here.