April 11, 2017

Boston Globe: Lawmakers want hearing aids to be easier to get, but doctors object

WASHINGTON - Patricia Holland of Waltham suffered a panic attack during a vacation in Savannah, Ga., 13 years ago when she lost her hearing aid and had no way to quickly find a replacement. Almost two weeks later, when she finally got one, she teared up with joy even though she had to hand over $2,600.

"If you have hearing loss, it's amazing how people make you feel like you're inferior," said the 79-year-old, who first learned she had age-related hearing loss in her 60s. "You're made to feel that you're not adequate, when you're really highly intelligent."

Now new technology and a rare bipartisan push from lawmakers who are trying to reduce regulations for the sale of hearing aids are raising hopes that more people with mild to moderate hearing loss will be able to buy hearing devices a lot more cheaply and without seeing a doctor.

Read the full article on the Boston Globe's website here