April 13, 2013

Salem News: Salem bends Warren's ear

SALEM - The first thing U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren did on arriving at a morning meet-and-greet yesterday was walk directly up to Mayor Kim Driscoll and give her a big hug.

In a visit orchestrated by Driscoll - a strong supporter during Warren's hard-fought Senate campaign - Warren met with city leaders and toured the North Shore Community Health Center on Congress Street yesterday. She ended her jaunt to the Witch City by stopping by Salem State University's career services center to chat with staff and students.

The morning's discussion was focused on The Point, Salem's largely low-income, Latino neighborhood. Leaders from local nonprofits who work with Point residents bent Warren's ear on the outreach and services they offer, as well as their needs.

"The needs are pretty great," said Margaret Brennan, CEO of North Shore Community Health. "Without federal support, we'd have to scale back or even close. We're just so grateful for your support. You're a champion."

Read the full story here.