May 02, 2013

Patriot Ledger: Students hear from Warren at Plymouth court’s Law Day

PLYMOUTH - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren joined 159 South Shore students in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the national anthem to begin the Law Day program at Plymouth Superior Court.

Warren and the other two keynote speakers, state Senate President Therese Murray and Plymouth District Court Judge Rosemary Minehan, talked to the student about the importance of law in our society.

Looking out into the crowd of middle and high school students from Sacred Heart, Plymouth South, New Testament, and Whitman-Hanson Regional, Minehan said: "I'm glad we're not in session, because if we had this many people in the courthouse, we'd never finish."

Warren told the story of her own public-school education. She said she attended a commuter college before eventually becoming a Harvard Law School professor and later a senator.

Read the full story here.