January 03, 2013

Boston Globe: Warren and Kennedy sworn in as 113th Congress convenes

WASHINGTON – Elizabeth Warren arrived at the US Capitol on Thursday morning carrying an L.L. Bean backpack in the manner of a student in one of her former classes at Harvard Law School. Inside was a treasured, tattered King James Bible that she had used since third grade and had chosen for her swearing-in as the US Senator from Massachusetts.

“I know people come with big fancy family Bibles,” Warren said in an interview shortly before her Noon induction into the Senate. “Mine’s a little more modest.”

As she sat in the Capitol, the first woman to be elected to the US Senate from Massachusetts mused about the history of the moment.

“This chair, this particular Senate seat, was held by John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, [Charles] Sumner -- and of course Senator [Edward M.] Kennedy for half a century,” Warren said. “Men of principle, men who fought hard for the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and for this country.”

“I come into this…knowing I’m not those men,” she added. “But I’m going to work my heart out.”

As Warren and Representative Joseph Kennedy III on Thursday became the newest elected officials from Massachusetts to walk the marble Capitol hallways, they are ushering in a rapidly transforming Massachusetts delegation.

Read the full article here.