January 05, 2013

WBZ: Sen. Warren Holds Mock Swearing In Saturday In Roxbury

BOSTON (CBS) — Elizabeth Warren was sworn in again on Saturday in a mock ceremony held for those who couldn’t make it to Washington, DC.

The state’s newest U.S. senator held the ceremony at Roxbury Community College in Boston.

Warren was officially sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday.

But the state’s first female senator wanted to extend her gratitude to the constituents who could not make it to Washington, DC for Thursday’s ceremony.

Several big political names made appearances, including Secretary of State nominee and former Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, and Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, who administered the oath of office on Saturday.

“Elizabeth Warren is going to bring to the United States Senate common sense,” Kerry said. “She will listen to you, the people, and not to the special interests.”

Kerry was given the honors of introducing her to a packed audience. In her speech, Warren took the time to remark on Ted Kennedy, and his importance to her political career.

“Ted Kennedy was a man of principles and values,” Warren said. “I can only hope to live up to his memory.”

Read the full story here.