
342 results found for "department of education".

  1. May 24 2021 Warren Colleagues Request Updates from Education Department on Actions taken to Protect Student Borrowers Text of Letter PDF Washington D C U S Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass Tina Smith D Minn Chris Van Holle...

  2. May 11 2021 Warren Murphy Padilla Sanders Hayes Lawson and Torres Introduce the Bicameral Student Food Security Act College students became eligible for expanded SNAP benefits temporarily during the COVID 19 pandemic This bill would...

  3. May 06 2021 Warren Colleagues to Education Department What Steps Are You Taking to Prepare Student Loan Borrowers for Turning Payments Back On We support cancelling 50 000 of debt for each borrower to relieve this burden on our econom...

  4. May 05 2021 Forbes Warren Extend Student Loan Freeze Or Make It Permanent Senator Elizabeth Warren D MA suggested on Tuesday that the Biden administration should extend the current pause on federal student loan payments and interest ...

  5. May 03 2021 Statement on Richard Cordray s Appointment to Lead Federal Student Aid Boston MA United States Senator Elizabeth Warren D Mass released the following statement on the Biden administration s naming Richard Cordray to lead t...

  6. April 26 2021 Warren Reintroduces Legislation to Extend Tribal Broadband Application Deadline Bill Text PDF Bill One Pager PDF Washington DC United States Senator Elizabeth Warren D Mass reintroduced the Extending Tribal ...

  7. April 23 2021 Warren Statement Independent Watchdog Reveals Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program Is Failing Servicemembers and DoD Civil Servants Out of 5 496 DoD borrowers who submitted a Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program appli...

  8. April 20 2021 Warren Warnock Colleagues Urge Education Department to Automatically Rehabilitate All Federally Held Student Loans in Default Text of Letter PDF Washington DC United States Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass and...

  9. April 13 2021 Ahead of Hearing Warren Releases New Education Dept Data Showing Widespread Benefits of Student Debt Cancellation Today at 2 30 PM ET Warren will hold a subcommittee hearing on how student debt hinders economic growth and ...

  10. April 13 2021 Warren Questions CEO of Navient on Its Long Record of Profiting Off Broken Student Loan System The federal government should absolutely fire Navient And because this happened under your leadership Navient should fire you ...