
5650 results found for *.

  1. May 03 2023 Warren Durbin Senators Warn the Departments of Education Defense and Veterans Affairs About University of Phoenix s Predatory Practices Senators Call on Agencies to Scrutinize For Profit University s Access to Federal Stude...

  2. May 03 2023 Senator Warren Representative Doggett Call for Elimination of Investor State Dispute Settlement System Action on Behalf of Honduran Government We urge you to uphold your commitment and refrain from negotiating new trade agre...

  3. May 02 2023 At Hearing Air Force Secretary Warns of Negative Impacts of Nominations Holds on Military Families Retention Warren This actively hurts our ability to respond quickly to threats around the world and is really painful for ...

  4. May 02 2023 Warren Boyle Jayapal Lawmakers to Fed Chair Powell Pause Rate Hikes or Risk Recession Destroying Jobs Crushing Small Businesses Continuing to raise interest rates would be an abandonment of the Fed s dual mandate to achi...

  5. May 02 2023 ICMYI On International Workers Day Senators Warren Rosen Representative Williams Reintroduced Sunlight in Workplace Harassment Act Legislation Would Require Publicly Traded Companies to Disclose Workplace Harassment and Di...

  6. May 02 2023 New Investigative Report from Senator Warren Reveals Big Tech s Insider Influence on Digital Trade Rules Newly Released Emails Reveal Big Tech s Secret Communications with Biden Administration Trade Policymakers and Abuse of th...

  7. May 01 2023 ICYMI Warren Padilla Castro Reintroduce Bill to Create a Pathway to Citizenship for Essential Workers During COVID 19 Pandemic One Pager PDF Washington D C Today U S Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass and Ale...

  8. April 28 2023 Senator Warren s Statement on the Federal Reserve s Report on Silicon Valley Bank Failure Washington D C United States Senator Elizabeth Warren D Mass released the following statement on the Federal Reserve s report det...

  9. April 27 2023 Warren Markey Keating Joint Statement on EPA s Determination of Proposed Machine Gun Range s Impact on Cape Cod s Environment Boston MA Today United States Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass Edward J Markey D Mass an...

  10. April 27 2023 ICYMI At Hearing Warren Blasts Credit Reporting Agency CEOs Highlights Need for Accurate Data in Credit Reporting Warren Credit reporting agencies are the ones who turn all of that bad data into real pain for American co...