
5650 results found for *.

  1. June 22 2023 ICYMI Chairing First Subcommittee Markup Senator Warren Highlights Provisions for National Defense Authorization Act This mark strengthens the all volunteer force improves the quality of life for everyone who serves and e...

  2. June 22 2023 At Hearing Fed Chair Powell Fails to Assume Responsibility for Deregulatory Push Preceding Bank Collapses Warren to Powell The decisions that you made the votes that you took and the things that you said helped cause this...

  3. June 21 2023 At Banking Committee Markup Warren Supports Bill to Hold Failed Bank Executives Accountable Legislation to claw back multi million dollar compensation from failed bank executives needs to be iron clad It is critically impor...

  4. June 21 2023 At Hearing Warren Calls on Fed Nominees to Implement Strong Bank Merger Review Guidelines and Reinstate Tough Rules for Big Banks Warren Also Announces Another Historic Ethics Pledge from Fed Nominee Adrianna Kugler V...

  5. June 20 2023 Warren Grassley Introduce New Bipartisan Bill Cracking Down on Retired Military Officers Working for Foreign Governments Retired Officers Conflict of Interest Act Would Require Public Reporting on Retired Service Members Work...

  6. June 20 2023 Senators Warren Shaheen Hirono Representatives Jacobs Bice Reintroduce Bipartisan Military Housing Readiness Council Act Legislation would Create a Council to Conduct DoD Oversight Ensure Safe Housing for Military Familie...

  7. June 20 2023 Senators Warren Braun Representative Garamendi Reintroduce Bipartisan Stop Price Gouging the Military Act Legislation would Strengthen Acquisition Laws and Close Loopholes to Prevent Defense Contractor Price Gouging ...

  8. June 20 2023 ICYMI Senator Warren Delivers Speech Ahead of Confirmation Vote for Julie Rikelman to the First Circuit Court of Appeals I urge my colleagues to support the confirmation of Julie Rikelman a supremely qualified candidate who...

  9. June 20 2023 Warren Markey Statement on Julie Rikelman s Confirmation to U S Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Washington D C United States Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass and Edward J Markey D Mass released the following ...

  10. June 20 2023 Warren Massachusetts Lawmakers Urge Navy to Conduct Commissioning of Submarine Massachusetts in the Commonwealth We as members of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation urge the Navy to conduct the commissioning of sub...