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  1. September 28 2023 Ahead of the Federal Student Loan Payment Restart Senators Warren Blumenthal Markey Van Hollen Call for Updates from Student Loan Servicers We are concerned as millions of federal student loan borrowers are set to re...

  2. September 28 2023 At Hearing Senator Warren Slams Medicare and Social Security Public Trustee Nominee Over Shocking and Deeply Unethical Financial Conflicts of Interest Demetrios Kouzoukas Currently Serves on Board of For Profit Private...

  3. September 28 2023 At Nomination Hearing Senator Warren Secures Unprecedented Ethics Commitments from IRS Chief Counsel Nominee Warren Ms Rollinson I appreciate your taking these steps to assure the public that you will put their inter...

  4. September 28 2023 Senator Warren Rep Neguse and Lawmakers Urge the FTC to Finalize Changes to Premerger Notification Form to Strengthen Antitrust Enforcement Save Taxpayer Dollars These changes will strengthen antitrust enforcement pr...

  5. September 28 2023 ICYMI Warren Delivers Keynote Speech on Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Ahead of Supreme Court Case The CFPB s future is at stake in this court decision along with the future of every other banking regulator A...

  6. September 27 2023 Warren Tlaib Raskin Schiff Lead 23 Lawmakers Urging SEC to Release Strong Climate Risk Disclosure Rule SEC Expected to Finalize Rule in October Text of Letter PDF Washington D C U S Senator Eliza...

  7. September 27 2023 Warren Seeks Explanation for Allegations that Internal JetBlue Documents Predict Massive Fare Increases Service Cuts if JetBlue Spirit Merger is Approved JetBlue CEO Claimed Publicly that Airfares Would Go Down After Mer...

  8. September 25 2023 Warren Senators Urge Treasury Department to Address Climate Related Financial Risks Senators Outline Key Actions Treasury Should Take on Economic and Environmental Crises Caused by Climate Change Text of Letter ...

  9. September 21 2023 Senators Warren Markey Representatives Clark Trahan Moulton Call for Updates on Progress of MIT Lincoln Laboratory s West Lab Project Funding and completing the West Lab Project will enable the lab to provide its imp...

  10. September 21 2023 ICYMI Chairing Subcommittee on Economic Policy Senator Warren Warns of Potentially Devastating Consequences of Child Care Funding Cliff Warren Congress should provide 16 billion in funding to prevent the child care s...