
5650 results found for *.

  1. November 02 2023 Ahead of Confirmation Vote Senator Warren Releases New Information on Medicare and Social Security Public Trustee Nominee s Financial Conflicts of Interest Demetrios Kouzoukas Will Receive Stock Worth Almost 200 000 This...

  2. November 02 2023 Warren 7 Senators Ask Department of Homeland Security to Improve Migrants Access to Work Authorization Documents Text of Letter PDF Washington D C United States Senators Elizabeth Warren Ed Markey D Mass ...

  3. November 01 2023 Senators Warren Sanders Welch Merkley Raise Concern Amid Invasion and Potential Occupation of Gaza The United States must take a leading role in charting out a future that respects the lives of Palestinians and Israeli...

  4. October 31 2023 In Senate Speech Elizabeth Warren Honors Chief of Staff Jon Donenberg Warren Jon I am grateful down to my toes for the years we have worked together I will miss having you by my side but I know the President the nati...

  5. October 31 2023 Warren Markey Pressley Celebrate Nearly 4 Million to Make Safe Bike Paths Accessible in Somerville Washington D C United States Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass Edward J Markey D Mass and Representative Ayanna P...

  6. October 31 2023 Warren Hirono Markey Merkley Sanders and Welch Urge Equal Funding for Domestic Priorities in Supplemental Appropriations Bill Washington D C Today Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass Ed Markey D Mass Mazie Hirono...

  7. October 27 2023 Senators Warren Markey Statement on Nomination of Joshua S Levy for U S Attorney for the District of Massachusetts Washington D C United States Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass and Edward J Markey D Mass release...

  8. October 27 2023 Warren Murphy Van Hollen Schatz Welch Merkley Call for Fuel Deliveries to Hospitals and Water Treatment Centers in Gaza To prevent a potential health crisis and help save countless lives we believe it is possible to ...

  9. October 27 2023 Warren Senators Call for Humanitarian Pauses and Hostage Releases in Israel Hamas War Echoing United States Resolution at United Nations Washington D C United States Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass Jeff Merkley D ...

  10. October 26 2023 At Hearing Senator Warren Highlights Need for National Paid Leave Program Warren Paid leave helps families improve their economic security and it s good for businesses at the same time Video of Exchange YouTube...