
342 results found for "department of education".

  1. 1 Questions for the Record Kenneth Marcus to be Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the Department of Education Hearing Date December 5 2017 Questions for the Record from Senator Elizabeth Warren 1 In your legal opinion what statutes an...

  2. Frank Brogan to be Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education Hearing Date January 25 2018 Questions for the Record from Senator Elizabeth Warren 1 If confirmed you will be in a position to influence the U S Department of Educ...

  3. Questions for the Record Nominations Hearing Date November 15 2017 James Blew of Valencia CA nominated to be Assistant Secretary for Planning Evaluation and Policy Development Department of Education Questions for the Record from Senator...

  4. BOM19937 S L C 8FN 4Y 6BX 116TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION S ll To develop voluntary guidelines for accessible postsecondary electronic instructional materials and related technologies and for other purposes IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES llllllll...

  5. August 1 2019 The Honorable Elizabeth Warren United States Senate SH 317 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 2103 The Honorable Alfred Al Lawson Jr United States House of Representatives 1406 Longworth House Office Building Was...

  6. Senator Warren s Response to the Coronavirus Emergency Coronavirus Disease 2019 COVID 19 is a global public health emergency that poses serious health diplomatic and economic threats to our nation Senator Warren is working with the Biden...

  7. May 14 2024 The Honorable Patty Murray Chair Senate Committee on Appropriations Washington D C 20510 The Honorable Tammy Baldwin Chair Subcommittee on Labor Health and Human Services Education and Related Agencies Washington D C 20510 The Ho...

  8. May 22 2024 The Honorable Miguel Cardona Secretary of Education U S Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue SW Washington D C 20202 Dear Secretary Cardona We write about the U S Department of Education s ED ongoing efforts to streamline federa...

  9. Search 341 results found for department of education Warren and Whitehouse Urge Bankruptcy Watchdog to Alert Borrowers to New Guidance Simplifying Discharge of Student Loans in Bankruptcy ...

  10. Search 342 results found for department of education Senate and House Democrats Urge ICE and DHS to Immediately Withdraw New Guidance that Threatens International Students with Deportation ...