
5650 results found for *.

  1. December 11 2023 Warren Pressley Schumer Sanders Urge Dept of Education to Use Full Authority Expand Student Debt Cancellation by Strengthening Proposed Rules for Relief This regulation has the potential to improve the financial secu...

  2. December 11 2023 Warren Expands Coalition of Banking Committee Support for Bill Cracking Down on Crypto s Use in Money Laundering Drug Trafficking Sanctions Evasion 5 New Senators Join as Cosponsors Including 3 Members of Banking Commit...

  3. December 08 2023 Warren Cortez Masto Cassidy Blackburn Call for Better Medicare Advantage Data Collection and Reporting Without better data policymakers and regulators are unable to adequately oversee the program and legislate potenti...

  4. December 07 2023 Warren Statement on President Biden s Announcement on Use of March in Rights to Lower Drug Prices Washington D C Today United States Senator Elizabeth Warren D Mass issued the following statement after President Joe...

  5. December 07 2023 ICYMI Warren Pressley Op Ed Massachusetts Can Improve Equity in Higher Ed by Passing CHERISH Act Op Ed on MassLive Boston MA Senator Elizabeth Warren D Mass and Representative Ayanna Pressley D Mass publi...

  6. December 07 2023 ICYMI Warren Leads Senate Hearing to Improve Military Recruitment The United States has the strongest and most capable military in the world because of the people who volunteer to serve in its ranks To maintain that adv...

  7. December 07 2023 ICYMI On Senate Floor Warren Calls on Congress to Pass an Assault Weapons Ban to Protect Communities and Save Lives Warren These military style assault weapons are weapons of war and they have no place in our communit...

  8. December 07 2023 Senator Warren Representative Dean Push Credit Card Companies for Answers on Implementation of MCC Code for Gun and Ammunition Retailers The financial industry is uniquely positioned to identify suspicious transactions t...

  9. December 06 2023 Senator Warren Delivers Floor Speech on Israel Gaza and Conditioning Aid Prime Minister Netanyahu and his right wing war cabinet have created a humanitarian catastrophe killing thousands of Palestinian civilians and ris...

  10. December 06 2023 At Hearing Big Bank CEOs agree with Warren on Need to Apply Anti Money Laundering Rules To Crypto Companies to Protect National Security Warren When it comes to banking policy I m not usually holding hands with the CEO...