
342 results found for "department of education".

  1. January 27 2017 HELP Committee Members Raise Fresh Concerns About Education Secretary Designate Betsy DeVos s Conflicts of Interest in Higher Education Washington D C Today members of the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions ...

  2. January 19 2017 Washington Post Op Ed Elizabeth Warren Trump s nominees are putting us all at risk by ignoring ethics laws President elect Donald Trump is selecting nominees to run his government It s no secret that I have deep reservat...

  3. January 17 2017 Sen Warren Questions HHS Secretary Designate s Suitability Priorities for Agency Warren Continues Careful Oversight Examination of President elect Trump Nominees 20 Page Letter Sent in Advance of January 18 Commi...

  4. January 09 2017 Sen Warren Raises Concerns about ED Secretary Designate s Experience Positions and Priorities Text of the letter available here PDF WASHINGTON D C U S Senator Elizabeth Warren D Mass today sent a 16 page...

  5. January 05 2017 HELP Committee Members Request Details of DeVos s Connections to Dark Money Groups Education Secretary pick should reveal involvement with secretive groups to avoid conflicts of interest Senators write Washington ...

  6. December 20 2016 McCaskill Warren GAO Report Shows Shocking Increase in Student Loan Debt Among Seniors More than 100K have their Social Security benefits garnished every year thousands are shoved into poverty as a result to pay it back ...

  7. December 06 2016 Democratic Senators Urge Education Department to Protect Students and Taxpayers Should For Profit Accreditor Lose Federal Recognition Senators have been leading critics of deadbeat ACICS which accredited now defunct Corint...

  8. September 29 2016 In Light of Troubling New Data Sen Warren Demands Education Department Halt Collection of Former Corinthian Students Debt and Discharge Their Loans Data Uncovered by Warren Staff Investigation Show Department Focused o...

  9. September 22 2016 Senator Warren Applauds Education Department s Decision to Withdraw Recognition of For Profit Accreditor ACICS Warren Previously Released Report Detailing Accreditor s Failures to Hold For Profits Accountable for Wrongdoi...

  10. July 15 2016 Menendez Warren Wyden Stabenow Booker Introduce Student Loan Tax Relief Act Bill Text Washington DC U S Senators Bob Menendez D N J and Elizabeth Warren D Mass yesterday introduced the Student Loan Tax Reli...