
342 results found for "department of education".

  1. April 30 2018 Warren Joins Donnelly Colleagues in Calling for Department of Education to Assist Students Harmed by Closure of ITT Tech Senators ask the Department to use all available means to help affected students especially student bo...

  2. April 30 2018 Warren Blumenthal Colleagues Raise Concerns Over For Profit College Industry Lobbyist s Oversight Role at the Department of Education Text of the letter PDF Washington DC United States Senators Elizabeth Warren...

  3. March 22 2018 Warren Requests IRS Information on Use of Private Debt Collectors for Taxpayers Affected by Federally Declared Disasters President Trump has Issued 50 Major Disasters Declarations since Start of Private Debt Collection Progra...

  4. March 20 2018 Warren Six months after Hurricane Maria Seis meses después del huracán Maria Over the past six months we ve made some progress but we ve still got a long way to go and I ll be right with our brothers and sisters from ...

  5. March 15 2018 Warren Colleagues Call for Top DeVos Adviser s Recusal from Decisions on For Profit Colleges Owned by Former Employer Proposed Merger Requires Approval from Department of Education Senators Press DeVos on Robert Eitel s Pl...

  6. March 15 2018 Warren Colleagues Call for Top DeVos Adviser s Recusal from Decisions on For Profit Colleges Owned by Former Employer Proposed Merger Requires Approval from Department of Education Senators Press DeVos on Robert Eitel s Pl...

  7. March 14 2018 Warren Colleagues Seek Update from FEMA Army Corps on Power Restoration Efforts in Puerto Rico Well Over 100 000 Residents Remain Without Power Ongoing Concerns about Power Reliability Text of the letter PDF ...

  8. March 06 2018 Warren Blumenthal Sanders Press FEMA on Preparations for Upcoming Hurricane Season Early Projections Suggest 2018 Hurricane Season Will Be As Active as 2017 Season Text of the letter PDF Washington DC U...

  9. March 01 2018 New Warren Clark Report DeVos Tenure has been a Boon for Shady For Profit Colleges Student Loan Companies and School Privatization Advocates First DeVos Watch Annual Report Card Details How Education Secretary has Faile...

  10. March 01 2018 MassLive Elizabeth Warren Katherine Clark release report criticizing Betsy DeVos work at Education Department Members of Massachusetts congressional delegation who have previously raised concerns about Betsy DeVos leading...