
5709 results found for *.

  1. March 25 2024 Massachusetts Delegation Announces Additional 38 7 Million in Federal Funding to Support Critical Projects Across Commonwealth Bringing Total to 213 4 Million List of Projects PDF Washington D C Today Senato...

  2. March 22 2024 ICYMI At Hearing Warren Warns of Threats Posed by North Korea s Crypto Funded Weapons Program and Pig Butchering Scams to National Security Senator Warren Crypto is helping rogue states It s helping terrorists It s hel...

  3. March 21 2024 At Hearing Secretary Yellen Agrees with Warren on Great Taxpayer Reviews of Direct File Pilot Potential to Keep Building the Tool to Make Filing Easier for More Americans The first filer was really thrilled She said that...

  4. March 21 2024 ICYMI At Hearing Warren Raises Concerns About States Seizing Foster Youth Social Security Benefits Social Security Commissioner Martin O Malley Shares Concerns and Commits to Examining these Seizures Warren Dozen...

  5. March 21 2024 Warren Renews Call for SEC Investigation of Tesla Board of Directors and Chief Executive Elon Musk Raises Fresh Conflict of Interest Concerns Mr Musk s recent public statements and actions have raised fresh concerns about...

  6. March 21 2024 ICYMI At Hearing Warren Calls out DoD Budget Mismanagement and Lack of Accountability If DoD has more tools to cover up its mistakes then I think it becomes even more tempting to low ball the costs and the risks of a new ...

  7. March 21 2024 Senators Warren Kaine Rep Burgess Press DoD on Continued Issues with Access to Medical Care for DoD Civilians and Contractors in Japan The IG report indicated that lack of access to healthcare in the INDOPACOM Indo Pacif...

  8. March 20 2024 Warren Wyden Pressley Jayapal Grijalva Larson Lawmakers Call on Biden Administration to Stop Withholding Social Security Payments to Pay Defaulted Student Loans Given alarming reports exposing the crushing impact of of...

  9. March 20 2024 Warren Markey Keating MA Delegation to Secretary Buttigieg We Strongly Support Massachusetts Bid for Billion Dollar Funding Award to Replace Cape Cod Bridges The Bridge Investment Program grant is the last remaining piec...

  10. March 20 2024 Warren Markey Applaud Brian Murphy s Nomination to U S District Court for the District of Massachusetts Washington D C United States Senators Elizabeth Warren D Mass and Edward J Markey D Mass released the followin...