December 01, 2017

Senator Warren Urges Budget Director Mulvaney to Do His Full-Time Job, Focus on Keeping Government Open in Advance of Potential Shutdown

Warren Concerned that Ideological Deregulation Drive at Consumer Agency Diverts Mulvaney from Budget Work; Warren Cites President Trump "Rooting for a Shutdown"

Text of the letter (PDF)

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) today sent a letter to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mick Mulvaney urging him to focus on his primary job as budget director and work to prevent a government shutdown.

"You are President Trump's top budget official.  As the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), you should be working full-time, non-stop, to ensure that the government is funded and does not shut down," wrote Senator Warren. "It is also your responsibility as OMB Director, to operationalize an orderly shutdown if funds run out."

The senator cited reports that President Trump is rooting for a government shutdown, telling confidants "that a government shutdown could be good for him politically," and tweeting that he doesn't "see a deal" happening. She also pointed to reports that Director Mulvaney, his Chief of Staff, and Communications Director, have all been spending time at the CFPB at a time when the budget director's job is of paramount importance.

Senator Warren continued, "Your ongoing, extreme, and expansive hostility toward the Dodd-Frank Act has not only created unnecessary uncertainty in the financial industry, but it clearly now also poses an active and continuing threat to our government's functioning and the broader economy.  The American people deserve better."
