May 19, 2020

Warren Statement on Walmart’s Response to Massachusetts Delegation Calling on Walmart to Protect Workers

Read the Delegation’s letter here

Read Walmart’s response here 

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) released the following statement on Walmart’s response to the entire Massachusetts delegation seeking information about how CEO Doug McMillon is addressing the safety and protection of workers in Walmart stores in Massachusetts, and what changes the company is implementing to ensure there are no additional outbreaks in stores across the Commonwealth. In its response, Walmart deflected responsibility for worker safety by implying all 92 workers infected with COVID-19  became sick outside of work. 

“Walmart’s response is unacceptable. Nearly 100 Walmart workers in Massachusetts got sick with coronavirus and one died due to an outbreak at the store but the company refused to answer questions on what happened and what changes it is making to keep our residents safe at work,” said Senator Warren. “Walmart must commit to conducting and publicly releasing an internal assessment like we asked for – and Congress must include my Essential Workers Bill of Rights in the next stimulus to force retailers like Walmart to comply with enforceable health and safety protections.” 
