January 14, 2022

Warren Statement on Federal Reserve Board Nominations

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) released the following statement on the nominations of Sarah Bloom Raskin for Vice Chair for Supervision, Lisa Cook, and Philip Jefferson:

“With five pending nominations, President Biden has the opportunity to reshape the Federal Reserve Board and ensure our economy works for everyone, not just a few billionaires and giant corporations.

“Sarah Bloom Raskin is a tough and thoughtful financial regulator with decades of experience at both the state and federal levels. In the important role of Vice Chair for Supervision, she brings a commitment to protect the American people that has been sorely missing from the Fed Board for years. Lisa Cook is a first-class economist with particular expertise in the drivers of innovation and the economic consequences of racial discrimination. I look forward to learning more about Philip Jefferson and his record in the coming weeks.

“The U.S. economy is at a critical juncture. The Fed’s decisions over the coming months will determine whether working families continue to gain ground amidst rising prices caused by pandemic disruptions and concentrated corporate power. I’m fighting for a Federal Reserve that puts hard working American families – not Wall Street bankers – first.”
