November 17, 2022

Warren Statement on Biden Administration’s Student Debt Bankruptcy Reforms

Washington, D.C. – United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) released the following statement regarding the Biden administration's student debt bankruptcy reforms:

“The Biden administration has taken an important step forward to reform a deeply broken bankruptcy system that has made it nearly impossible for Americans to deal with student debt, even when they’re in severe financial stress. For many years, the treatment of people who borrowed money to go to school has been much harsher than for those who ran up other kinds of debts. Now, within the law, the Biden administration has begun to build meaningful change. As a lawyer, teacher, and U.S. Senator, I’ve worked my entire career to help families that are squeezed by an economy and student loan system that saddled them with debt. I look forward to working with the Department of Education and the Department of Justice to ensure that struggling student borrowers can access the relief these changes aim to deliver.”
