March 21, 2020

Warren Once Again Urges Trump Administration to Issue Executive Order to Federal Agencies: Federal Employees Should Utilize All Telework Capabilities Where Possible

Boston, MA -- United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) today released the following statement once again calling on the Trump Administration to heed public health experts' advice on social distancing and issue clear directions to Federal Government agencies to utilize all telework capabilities for their employees to the maximum extent possible.

"Federal employees in Massachusetts and across the country are reaching out to my office expressing fear and frustration as they are forced to go into work in the midst of this public health emergency, when telework is a safer and available option and has been recommended by the Baker Administration for Massachusetts," said Senator Warren. "The Trump Administration should immediately issue an Executive Order that would give clear direction to Executive agencies to utilize all telework capabilities where possible. Workers shouldn't have to choose between doing their jobs and keeping themselves and their families healthy and safe. Failing to implement maximum telework increases the risk of further community spread of the virus, threatening the health of employees, their communities, and our economic recovery. These are critical decisions to help protect people as we work together to fight this crisis."

On Monday, Senator Warren joined Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and her colleagues calling on the Trump Administration to issue such an Executive Order.
