April 30, 2013

Statement from Sen. Warren on NOAA Announcement Cutting Fish Catch Allocations

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren released the following statement today following the announcement by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of significant cuts to catch allocations for Massachusetts fishermen:

"These painful cuts will be felt far beyond the docks and will impose economic hardship on our coastal communities.  I am frustrated that the Administration rejected our calls to issue an interim rule that would have balanced protecting the fishing resource with protecting our fishing families' way of life. Without the interim rule, many of our fishermen and related businesses will not survive.  The federal government recognizes the impending blow, and it has officially declared the Northeast Groundfish Fishery a disaster, but the House of Representatives has blocked funding for such aid.  Americans have always reached out in a time of crisis to help each other, and right now our hard-working men and women in the fishing industry need that help. I will continue working with other Massachusetts officials to deliver critical help to our fishing communities."
